Attorney Anne B. Jorgensen Leads Boulder County Senior Law Day Online Webinar

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Attorney Anne B. Jorgensen recently participated in Boulder County Senior Law Day's online webinar series and led a segment titled Serving as a Fiduciary, Medical or Financial Agent: Roles, Responsibilities, Pitfalls. If you were unable to attend Anne Jorgensen’s Boulder County Senior Law Day virtual presentation, don’t worry we have her recorded presentation here:
Anne’s presentation covered Fiduciaries’ Roles & Responsibilities, specifically to define a fiduciary and the expectations that govern every fiduciary. A fiduciary handles the assets of another person, so the standards of care are high. Fiduciaries include:
- Agent under power of attorney
- Conservator
- Trustee
Anne discussed and evaluated common pitfalls that lead to problems and how to avoid these in the future. If you or someone you know needs assistance with fiduciaries roles and responsibilities please contact our firm today to get started on your case.
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To view any of the other Boulder County Senior Law Day virtual presentations feel free to visit Boulder County Senior Law Day’s social media pages