Construction Timeframes

- Construction
Important Clauses in Your Construction Contract
With spring and summer fast approaching, many property owners are gearing up to start their construction projects by getting bids and negotiating terms with contractors. Whether you are an owner or a contractor, it is important to consider timeframes for construction to fit the needs of your project.
There are many types of construction contracts. Some start as simple one page bids that transform into a contract once accepted by the owner, while others are dozens of pages chock-full of legal terms that only the most sophisticated contractors and adept construction attorneys could possibly understand. Regardless of how simple or complex your construction contract is, you should always have an understanding of project timeframes and completion date expectations.
Most construction contracts will set a date or specific timeframe for the project’s completion. However, there are many variables which could result in a contractor missing the completion date. Things that are out of the parties’ control, such as unanticipated weather events or shortages in materials can affect the completion date. Things that are in the parties’ control, like the negligence of an owner or contractor, may also affect the completion date. These are just a few issues that may result in untimely completion. If your contract is silent on these issues, owners and contractors are without guidance in deciding how to properly proceed. In those situations, the relationship between owners and contractors often becomes hostile and stressful for everyone.
If you are presented with a construction contract that does not address these variables, or if a construction timeframe dispute has already disrupted your project, contact the construction attorneys at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C. today. You need an attorney that can identify and explain the legal consequences of each and every clause in your contract! By hiring our firm, you can protect yourself by working with an attorney that understands the ins and outs of the construction industry! We solve problems for owners, general contractors and subcontractors. Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin’s construction lawyers are experienced in drafting and negotiating construction contracts, as well as litigating disputes and resolving problems through mediation and arbitration. Call today for a free initial consultation!