How to Handle a Personal Injury Claim Involving a Government Entity

  • Personal Injury
August 28, 2024

There's a common misconception that the Colorado government is entirely immune from lawsuits. While it's true that the government is generally protected by "sovereign immunity," the Colorado state legislature has created specific exceptions to this protection.

One such exception is a provision that allows claims against government entities when their employees cause injuries while operating a vehicle during their work duties.

If you have been injured in an accident involving a vehicle driven by a government employee on duty, there are several important steps you should take.

Get Immediate Medical Attention

Beyond tending to your immediate health and safety, getting medical attention creates a paper trail—legal documentation that:

Document the Car Accident

If physically possible, take photos of the accident scene, your injuries, and any property damage. We also recommend getting contact information from any witnesses and writing down your recollections of the incident immediately following the injury.

Act Quickly

Colorado law sets strict deadlines for personal injury claims against the government. If your case qualifies (meaning sovereign immunity is waived), you must provide written notice of the personal injury within 180 days of the injury being discovered. That notice must be filed with the attorney general or the attorney representing the public entity.

Failing to act within 180 days permanently voids your ability to pursue legal action for damages.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

Many people are intimidated by the state government and mistakenly believe they do not have a fair shot at winning personal injury cases. This is untrue. Our experienced team understands the legal complexities of the Colorado Government Immunity Act. We also know how to protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. We’ll help you file the appropriate paperwork, preserve evidence, avoid costly mistakes, and maximize your claim.

Provide Complete Information

If you were injured, you must provide notice to the Colorado government and include the following information:

  • Your name and address
  • The name of your lawyer
  • Claim details, including the date of the incident, the time it occurred, where it happened, what happened to cause the injuries
  • The names and addresses of any government employees who were involved in the accident
  • The settlement amount for damages

It’s critical that you partner with an experienced personal injury lawyer to help you through this stage of the process. Our team understands the nuances of government liability law and can frame your responses in a way that the courts will understand and appreciate.

Your Personal Injury Recovery Is Our Mission

Dealing with personal injuries that result from a vehicle accident involving a government employee is stressful enough. Let our experienced legal team help you overcome complex legal hurdles with ease. Whether you're facing mounting medical bills, lost wages, or long-term disability, our team is here to fight for your rights every step of the way. Contact us now!

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