JBP Legal Named One of Boulder Valley’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies!

- Firm News
We are proud to announce BizWest Mercury 100 publication recently named JBP among the Fastest-Growing Private Companies in Boulder Valley! BizWest interviews and studies companies in various industries throughout Boulder Valley and Northern Colorado, dividing 50 companies in each market into five “flights” of 10, ranked overall by the percentage of revenue growth over two years.
JBP ranks 9th in Flight II for 2022, up from 5th in Flight III in 2021. All companies in Flight II had 2021 revenue totals between $4,600,01 and $14,000,000. This ranking was determined by overall two-year growth beginning in 2019. “This is Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C. 's fourth consecutive year earning this title, and we are truly humbled by the recognition. We will continue working diligently for our clients and the communities we serve for many years to come.”
To learn more about this achievement, click here to view an official press release from BizWest. If you have questions about the legal services we offer at JBP, we encourage you to contact us anytime.