Family Law

Broomfield Pre-Divorce Planning

Experienced & Skilled Divorce Counsel

At Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, we've seen how taking a measured and strategic approach to divorce can significantly impact the outcome. While it may be tempting to act quickly and emotionally, we strongly advise our clients to slow down and pre-plan.

Divorce planning isn't intended to gain an unfair advantage; it's to ensure you enter the process fully informed and prepared.

Our experienced divorce attorneys are committed to guiding you through these challenges and acting as your advocates throughout the process. With our experienced legal team behind you, you will not only survive this difficult situation—you will overcome it with confidence and peace of mind.

Why is Divorce Pre-Planning so Important?

Thirty years of experience have shown us that clients who pre-plan and consult with an experienced attorney typically experience less stress and achieve better outcomes. By partnering with our attorneys, you will:

  • Gain financial clarity: We’ll help you gather financial documents and account for assets and debts to ensure you understand your financial status.
  • Protect your assets: We’ll identify and protect separate property, including pre-marital assets, gifts, or inheritances.
  • Receive strategic guidance: Together, we’ll assess the long-term financial impact of your divorce, help you project post-divorce budgets, and develop strategies to protect your interests.
  • Ensure stability for children: Your children’s stability is important to us. We’ll ensure you minimize disruption and ensure more stability,

Remember, the decisions you make now can have a long-lasting impact on your financial and emotional well-being. Let our experienced team guide you through this critical planning phase!

Take the First Step. We’re Here to Support You

Don’t face the complexities of divorce alone. Whether you need pre-planning support or are ready to move ahead with your divorce, we are here to help. With over 30 years of experience, our Broomfield family law team offers the strategies you need to secure a stable future. Contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Have Questions? Contact Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C.

At Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C., we understand the complexities and sensitivities surrounding family law matters. Our Broomfield family law attorneys are here to provide you with the legal support and guidance you need to work through issues like parenting time, custody, divorce, property division, and more. Your family's well-being is our priority, and we are committed to helping you find the best solutions with competence and compassion. Contact us today!

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We’ve Helped Others Like You

The staff at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin are professional, conscientious, and sensitive to the needs of the client. Through incredibly overwhelming situations, my concerns were validated while keeping me on track in the process. If I could give them another star, I would do so.
Terry B.

Our Colorado Attorneys

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