Family Law

Denver High Asset Divorce

Protect Your Assets During Divorce

Even in the most amicable divorce cases, proceedings often become contentious when it comes time to divide wealth and assets. This is particularly the case when substantial wealth is involved.

If you have concerns about dividing stocks, investments, property, trusts, or retirement and savings accounts, contact us immediately. With over 30 years of family law experience, we will work diligently to protect your interests and help you confidently overcome high-stakes financial matters.

How Are Assets Divided in Denver, Colorado?

In divorce cases, Colorado law requires that property be divided equitably. However, equitably does not necessarily mean equally. While some couples are able to reach an agreement outside court, high-asset divorce often requires outside expertise. Our family law team can help you work through these financial matters.

One important concept to understand is the difference between “separate” and “marital” property.

  • Separate property is anything that you owned before getting married or received as a gift/inheritance during the marriage
  • Marital property typically refers to anything acquired during the marriage

The distinction between separate and marital property is clear. However, matters can quickly become complicated in cases where separate property increases in value during the marriage. In such a case, that increase might be considered marital property. Separate property could also become marital property if you mix funds by putting inheritance money into a joint account, for example. In cases where the spouses cannot agree on who the property belongs to, the judge will decide, considering factors like:

  • Each spouse’s financial situation
  • The value of property each spouse is getting
  • Who will live in the family home, especially in cases where children are involved
  • How separate property has changed in value during the marriage
  • Whether separate property was used for marital expenses

Find the Right Firm to Represent You

Dividing assets equitably can bring additional stress to divorce cases—one reason to partner with an experienced family law team. At Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C., we have helped countless families overcome complex divorce cases involving high-value assets. Our skilled attorneys understand the intricacies of Colorado divorce law and will work tirelessly to protect your interests. Contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Have Questions? Contact Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C.

At Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C., we understand just how difficult it can be to navigate the divorce process. For over 30 years, our Denver high-asset divorce lawyers have helped countless families and individuals secure the best possible legal outcomes. Contact us today!

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The staff at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin are professional, conscientious, and sensitive to the needs of the client. Through incredibly overwhelming situations, my concerns were validated while keeping me on track in the process. If I could give them another star, I would do so.
Terry B.

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