Family Law

Loveland Child Custody Attorney

Protecting Children, Advocating For Families

At Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C., we believe families and children need compassionate, knowledgeable legal support when working through the complexities of child custody disputes. That is what we have offered Loveland families for over three decades.

Whether you are struggling to resolve issues with your former spouse, need to modify an existing arrangement or are struggling to resolve issues amicably, we can help. We will advocate on your behalf, ensuring your voice is heard and your child’s best interests are served. Don’t go through child custody issues alone. Contact our Loveland child custody team now!

Colorado Law & Parental Responsibility

While other states’ courts typically use the phrase “child custody” when discussing legal living arrangements for children, Colorado adopts a more nuanced approach. In our state, the court uses “parental responsibility” to reframe how families think about child custody cases. This framework encourages parents to share parenting time to maintain stronger parent-child relationships.

However, some situations may lead the courts to conclude that a different arrangement is necessary to serve the best interest of the child. These may include circumstances where:

  • One parent has a history of domestic violence
  • There is evidence of physical and financial neglect
  • The child has special needs and would benefit from the care of one parent over the other
  • One parent has largely been absent from the child’s life
  • The child is mature and informed enough to make reasonable living-choice decisions

Why Loveland Families Choose Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C.

Over the last 30 years, we've helped thousands of clients overcome complex legal challenges with:

  • Strategic Legal Solutions: Three decades of experience in family law have equipped us with the tools our clients need to succeed—whether it be in outside negotiations or inside the courtroom. We meticulously analyze your case, develop innovative strategies, and fiercely defend your interests.
  • A Client-Centric Approach: While our approach to family law is strategic, we refuse to sideline clients or leave them in the dark. We are a collaborative firm, which means people come first—always. Rest assured, you will always have a voice.
  • Comprehensive Expertise: Our knowledge of family law extends far beyond child custody. Whether you need support with adoption, child support, paternity, property division, or any other matter related to family law, we can assist. Our knowledge base is deep, and our clients' success proves it.
  • Compassionate Guidance: We believe in maintaining efficiency yet refuse to sacrifice kindness and compassion in the process. When you work with us, you can expect to be treated with care and respect. Experience shows us that this is the only way to achieve positive outcomes and peace of mind.

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We’ve Helped Others Like You

The staff at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin are professional, conscientious, and sensitive to the needs of the client. Through incredibly overwhelming situations, my concerns were validated while keeping me on track in the process. If I could give them another star, I would do so.
Terry B.

Our Colorado Attorneys

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