Family Law

Loveland Prenuptial Agreement Attorneys

Building Trust through Personal Security

We have long been advocates for marital and prenuptial agreements—not only because half of marriages end in divorce but also because we have seen what can happen when couples do not take measures to protect themselves.

While only 15% of couples choose to establish pre and postnuptial agreements— whether because they do not think it is necessary or due to social stigmas—we have seen how these agreements:

  • Promote open communication
  • Provide financial clarity and security
  • Prevent codependency
  • Ensure couples successfully manage debt
  • Protect children from previous relationships

Our expert attorneys specialize in creating fair, legally binding agreements that reflect each couple's unique needs. Whether you need expert legal solutions to protect your financial interests, clarify financial responsibilities, or secure your children’s future, we are dedicated to providing personalized and empathetic legal guidance.

Prenups & Postnups: What Is Right For You?

Though prenups and postnups are both designed to protect assets and define financial responsibilities, they are formed at different stages in the relationship.

A prenuptial agreement is a contract signed by spouses before they marry. If you are entering into a legal marriage, a prenuptial agreement offers clearly defined terms that:

  • Protect assets, ensuring personal property acquired before the marriage stays with the original owner after divorce
  • Outlines how assets acquired during the marriage will be divided after divorce
  • Assigns debt responsibility, protecting you from your partner’s pre-marital financial liabilities
  • Secures inheritance rights for children from previous relationships,
  • Determines spousal support terms
  • Protects business interests, ensuring your pre-existing business remains in your hands after the marriage

A marital or postnuptial agreement is a similar contract, but it is signed during the marriage to ensure:

  • Asset protection plans stay current and reflect changes in financial status or asset acquisition
  • Financial responsibilities are clearly outlined, particularly if there is a significant change in the spouse’s income, inheritance, or debt
  • Clarification of financial responsibilities, especially if there's been a significant change in either spouse's income, inheritance, or debt
  • Spousal support agreements reflect the current status of the marriage
  • Property division agreements reflect the current financial situation and contributions of each spouse
  • Children are protected with financial support and inheritance rights agreements

Every prenuptial or postnuptial agreement we establish is tailored to the unique dynamics and needs of your family. Rest assured, our team is dedicated to offering expert guidance and creating an agreement that meets your specific needs.

Our Approach: How We Protect Loveland Couples

At Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C., we understand the complexities and sensitivities surrounding family law matters, which is why we offer:

  • Strategic Legal Solutions: Three decades of experience in family law have equipped us with the tools our clients need to succeed—whether it be in outside negotiations or inside the courtroom. We meticulously analyze your case, develop innovative strategies, and fiercely defend your interests.
  • A Client-Centric Approach: While our approach to family law is strategic, we refuse to sideline clients or leave them in the dark. We are a collaborative firm, which means people come first—always. Rest assured, you will always have a voice. What you won't have are unanswered questions.
  • Comprehensive Expertise: Our knowledge of family law extends far beyond spousal support. Whether you need support with adoption, custody, child support, paternity, property division, or any other matter related to family law, we can assist. Our knowledge base is deep, and our clients' success proves it.
  • Compassionate Guidance: We believe in maintaining efficiency yet refuse to sacrifice kindness and compassion in the process. When you work with us, you can expect to be treated with care and respect. Experience shows us that this is the only way to achieve positive outcomes and peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

How a Loveland Prenup Lawyer Can Help

Whether you are ready to create a prenuptial or marital agreement or still have questions, reach out to Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C., and let us assist you. Our Loveland prenup and postnup lawyers can also help if you are facing litigation and court action to enforce an agreement. Call us for your free consultation today.

We’ve Helped Others Like You

The staff at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin are professional, conscientious, and sensitive to the needs of the client. Through incredibly overwhelming situations, my concerns were validated while keeping me on track in the process. If I could give them another star, I would do so.
Terry B.

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