Family Law

Marital and Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers in Colorado

The Power of Marital & Prenuptial Planning

In our 30 years of experience, we have seen too many couples enter marriage without taking preemptive measures to protect themselves. Speaking with an experienced attorney about establishing a marital or prenuptial agreement isn’t just financially smart—it is critical to securing peace of mind.

The family law team at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C., is not only skilled in drafting prenuptial or marital agreements, but we are here to represent you in the event a dispute arises between you and your ex-spouse concerning such an agreement.

Let us help you take proactive steps toward protecting your future. Contact us today to learn more about our marital and prenuptial agreement services.

Understanding Prenups & Postnups

Whether you are planning to marry or already navigating marriage, understanding the legal mechanisms we use to protect your assets and financial well-being is essential.

A prenuptial agreement is a contract signed by spouses before they marry.

A marital or postnuptial agreement is a similar contract, but it is signed during the marriage.

Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements specify how assets will be divided in the event of a divorce. They can alleviate many difficulties and uncertainties that can arise if the marriage should end.

Here are additional important details about prenuptial and postnuptial agreements:

  • Disclosure is Essential: Prenup and marital agreements must be created with full disclosure: You cannot hide assets or deceive your partner about their worth, and you cannot threaten or coerce your partner into signing such an agreement.
  • Legal Advice: Your partner should also be permitted to consult with their own attorney before signing the agreement.
  • Consent: If both parties do not voluntarily and knowingly agree to a prenup or marital agreement, a court may invalidate the agreement. This is why consulting with a Colorado prenup lawyer is always the best course of action.
  • Protection: These agreements can be a strategic tool to protect your separate property and assets, offering certainty and clarity that potentially saves time and money in court disputes.
  • Child Support: A prenup or marital agreement cannot waive your obligation to provide child support. Courts will override any agreement attempting to do so.
  • Spousal maintenance (or alimony): These provisions may be included in pre and postnuptial agreements. However, they will be reviewed by a court during divorce proceedings. An unfair agreement may result in the court ordering spousal maintenance despite the prenup's terms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C. Help You Plan with Confidence

Whether you are ready to create a prenuptial or marital agreement or still have questions, reach out to Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C., and let us assist you. Our Colorado prenup and postnup lawyers can also help if you are facing litigation and court action to enforce an agreement. Call us for your free consultation today!

We’ve Helped Others Like You

The staff at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin are professional, conscientious, and sensitive to the needs of the client. Through incredibly overwhelming situations, my concerns were validated while keeping me on track in the process. If I could give them another star, I would do so.
Terry B.

Our Colorado Attorneys

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